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The 10 best Personal Growth Tips


  • Learn visualization techniques.
  • Avoid negative thoughts.
  • Think.
  • Be resilient.
  • Compete only with yourself.
  • Set yourself small challenges.
  • Be persistent.
  • Celebrate the victory.

Very often, toxic thought patterns take hold of us and prevent us from realizing our full potential. Do not give in to these negative psychological processes! You can change them, but you have to know how. Set a clear goal, be tough, consistent and have a positive mindset. Here are some tips to help you achieve your goals.

Imagine you are a soccer player and you miss an important penalty. This will leave a negative imprint on your brain. The next time you have to take a punishment, this imprint will create fear, which means you won't want to take it...

Traumatic experiences and negative comments create toxic mental patterns that condition our behavior far more than most people know. In more dangerous times, our brains were "hardwired" and the fight-or-flight response is no longer sufficient to cope with modern threats. However, this reaction is still triggered when we are victimized by circumstances, miss the all-important penalty kick, or even muster up the courage to take it.

The good news is that it is possible to break this vicious cycle and see things as they really are to reveal our full potential. You only need two things to start this journey of self-development:

  • A real desire to get rid of toxic thought patterns.
  • Mastering the right psychological tools.


Henry Ford said that "obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." To achieve personal growth, you need to look towards a goal, design the best strategy to achieve it, and focus on it. This is the first step in any event and you should spend as much time as you need on it.

Once you've focused on your goal and figured out how to achieve it, it's time to take action and step out of your comfort zone. These are the main psychological tools you need to master in order to succeed:

 Learn visualization techniques

Visualize yourself taking the steps necessary to achieve your goal and achieving that success will help you break toxic thought patterns, keep you motivated and more natural on your way.

 Avoid negative thoughts

It is important that you maintain a positive attitude. Watch your thoughts and when you start playing that old toxic movie, cut those negative thoughts off at the root.


Spending a few minutes a day controlling your breathing and focusing your mind can go a long way in helping you deal with stressful situations outside of your comfort zone.

 Be resilient

The road to success is paved with mistakes and unexpected setbacks. Few things get right the first time. It doesn't matter if you fall. The only problem is not getting up.

 Compete only with yourself

Toxic competition with other people will only tire you out. Focus on your goal and how you will achieve it.

 Set yourself small challenges

Just as missing a penalty leaves a negative imprint, overcoming small challenges leaves positive imprints that help you move forward with greater determination.

 Be persistent

Don't fall into laziness or disappointment. Keep moving towards your goal as consistently as possible. If you focus on achieving your goals every day, this attitude will become part of your personality.

 Celebrate the victory

Small triumphs are good to reward; these treats will keep you motivated to keep going.


Just as you need to know which psychological tools to wield in order to achieve self-improvement, you also need to realize that your attitudes can perpetuate toxic mental patterns, so you must avoid:

  • Being negative

If you keep mentally projecting movies where everything goes wrong, of course everything will go wrong.

  • Idlely waiting

Success will not come looking for you. If you don't move towards the target, you will always be the same distance away.

  • Not believing in your own success

If you convince yourself that you will never succeed, that is exactly what will happen.

  • Blaming other people

You must take full responsibility for your actions. Blaming others for your bad situation is not the best way to overcome it.

  • Don't ask for help

If someone can help you achieve your goal—friends, coworkers, professionals, etc.—and you don't ask that person for help, you're hurting your chances of success. Moving towards personal growth does not mean not asking for help.

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