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Nofap VS Brahmacharya

In this article we want to discuss the difference between NOFAP and brahmacharya. This is important to understand because NOFAP alone may not work and you yourself can come to a fruitful conclusion once your concepts of NOFAP and Brahmacharya are clear.

This knowledge can redirect your life and ignite your inner energy to help you lead a healthy, whole, and decent life. This article attempts to explain the real meaning of NOFAP and Brahmacharya. Let's first understand two terms. NOFAP means not doing FAP. FAP is internet slang for male masturbation. This became popular in the early 2000s as people increasingly discovered the harmful effects of masturbation on both physical and mental health. Semen is a vital fluid of our body that you should not waste, rather it needs to be preserved. In our other article, we highlighted 20 harmful effects of masturbation.

And no fap deals on surface by restricting ourself from sexual activity, its forced! And to achieve brahmacharya you dont have to leave sex, but rather have to be meditative and aware about lust.

Nofap VS Brahmacharya

What is NoFap?

A group of people came together to form the NOFAP community to promote the practice of no "FAP". Its main principle is no PMO, i.e. no porn, no masturbation, no orgasm. After knowing the physical and mental problems of sperm loss, people urged not to do "PMO". Followers of NOFAP refrain from these practices for both physical and mental benefit. They have obvious benefits, but with a real risk of relapse. Forcibly stopping any activity, especially sexual desire, may not be possible in the long term and there is a risk of relapse.

What is Brahmacharya?

On the other hand, the word brahmacharya comes from two Sanskrit roots: "Brahman" is what God is called in the Vedas, and "charya" which means "behavior or way of behaving". Brahmacharya is a concept denoting a total lifestyle leading to the pursuit of sacred knowledge and spiritual liberation. Brahmacharya is a means, not an end. It usually involves purity, ahimsa, simple living, study, meditation, and voluntary restriction of certain foods (eating only sattvic food), intoxicants, and non-sex sexual behavior. So celibacy is an important part, but not the only one.

It focuses on the inner strength of the soul that is beyond physical attributes. It is actually a shift of the thought process from the physical to the spiritual level. The Vedas also call semana as "Brahma". This is because it has the energy to create a new life that is energetic and strong. This life energy, when combined with the body, illuminates it and does wonderful things. This life energy is immortal. life energy is known by various words like "Brahma", "Atma".

Nofap VS Brahmacharya

When someone dies, the physical body merely perishes while this life energy remains. Our great text "Bhagvat Geeta" also mentions that the soul is immortal even after the death of the body. The power of the seed is immense and described in our other article. Brahmacharya is a way of living in a divine way. Here one does not forcibly stop the thought or the act rather transforms sexual thoughts into spiritual thoughts. New pure thoughts give birth to a new positive way of life such as celibacy

automatically becomes an integral part. When one adopts this new way of spiritual life, in addition to the benefits for mental and physical health, one is also elevated on a spiritual basis. That is bliss. Instead of just focusing on No PMO, the real self is introduced and too much emphasis on the physical body is eradicated. The awareness that this physical body is only the culmination of the 5 elements and the soul or "Atma" is the real being, shifts the focus from the physical body to the life energy.


This forgotten truth is revived by meditation on the blissful soul. It is the same life energy coming from the vital liquid seed. Understanding the nature of this vital fluid is of the utmost importance. Nature created this fluid to continue regeneration. The seed was made powerful to give birth to a highly energetic and powerful soul. This use of the seed to create a new life is the first step to a successful Brahmacharya life. Leading a godly lifestyle in accordance with "Brahmgyan" is the next step and if it is followed consistently, we progress to the final step of brahmacharya which is self-realization. Thus, Nofap is a purely physically centered technique, while brahmacharya is the true virtue. In Nofap, the number of days is important and the goal is to complete a specific period.

Problem with Nofap

 There is a high risk of Fap even after you reach the goal. One is definitely more capable who holds back the seed, but it may not elevate mental health and instead creates a false ego of superiority. The number of days is not important in Brahmacharya, but generating pure thoughts is important throughout life. In Brahmacharya, forcible retention of semen is not encouraged, but maintaining good health is encouraged naturally. A pure thought is paramount in Brahmacharya because a single impure thought can break your "years" of Brahmacharya.

Pure thoughts can fill your life with maximum strength and confidence. After the purification of thoughts, the seed begins its upward transmutation, and for this purpose a specific spiritual practice and a simple life are important. After Brahmacharya sadhana, preservation of seed is easy. Brahmacharya is a spiritual entity beyond boundaries. He did not observe Brahmacharya in fear of physical and mental weakness rather Brahmacharya is a real lifestyle. Practicing Brahmacharya experiences bliss and also brings true success. Brahmacharya is not a new concept but has its roots from time immemorial. In ancient times brahmacharya was not much promoted as it was a natural way of life. People used to remain sacred and aware of the soul. In this iron age where people are addicted to the pleasure of sex and body, practicing brahmacharya is the need of the hour.

Why Brahmacharya?

Science is the dominant force these days and unless it is supported by evidence, people will not accept it. The physical benefits of NoFAP are easy to understand. But you can experience soul so eternal bliss with Brahamcharya lifestyle. One needs to understand the science behind Brahmacharya step by step. Therefore, readers are hereby inspired to delve deep into the real science behind brahmacharya and not limit yourself to the limited scope of Nofap, redirecting your life towards the ultimate goal.

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