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8 self-improvement tips to get your life back on track

Here at Family Builders, we believe that improving yourself is the key to being there for others in your life. Not only will self-improvement help you perform at your best by taking steps to improve yourself, but your overall well-being will also improve. People for whom self-improvement is a priority tend to have higher self-esteem and are also more resilient.

When I was in my early twenties, I went through a midlife crisis. I found myself questioning every decision I had made up to that point, including career and relationship decisions. I finally decided to end my marriage at 26 and frankly, I was a bit lost.

During this time I threw myself into self-improvement. I read just about every personal development book I could get my hands on and loved learning new personal development tips.

Personal development is something I'm still very passionate about and talk about a lot here on my blog. And in this post, I'm sharing 30 of my favorite self-improvement tips with you!

Here are eight self-improvement activities you can do for any occasion:

  • Set goals for yourself

Setting goals helps you organize the things you want to achieve. You can do this simply by making a list, or you can have fun with it and create a vision board using pictures from magazines or the internet.

  • Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed

Someone once said that you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. Ask yourself if the people you spend time with want the best for you and your life. They should be in line with who you want to be.

  • Evaluate what isn't working and eliminate those habits

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Instead, take the time to evaluate what isn't working and make the necessary improvements.

  • Learn a new activity or skill

This is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and do something you've always wanted to do. Progress is better than perfection. People are constantly learning new skills on the internet for free! NO EXCUSES!

  • Eat healthy and hydrate daily

We are made up mostly of water. We are also what we eat, so it is essential to treat your body like a temple. Feed yourself nutritious items to ensure you have the energy to achieve all your goals.

  • Have compassion for yourself and others

Compassion is a huge factor in how you perceive life's events. To learn how to have compassion for yourself and others, Family Builders offers a compassion class to help individuals learn how to cope with life's obstacles.

  • Clean your space regularly

Your physical space is a reflection of your mental health. Clearing the clutter in your space helps clear the clutter in your mind.

  • Be active

Activity is not only good for your physical well-being, but it is also good for stress relief. So be active, go for a walk or dance to your favorite songs.

To learn more about how Family Builders facilitates self-improvement for Oklahoma families through our parenting, compassion and abuser intervention programs, please call us at 405-232-8226.-

Self Improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life

1. Set goals for yourself. Setting goals is the best way to move forward in life and ensure that you are able to achieve your dreams. If you're ready to start tackling your goals, be sure to check out my blog post on setting goals and planning your best year yet.

2. Write down your goals. When you set your goals, don't forget to write them down. There is so much research that shows people are more likely to achieve their goals than if they write them down somewhere they can see them!

3. Get started now. So many people have personal development goals, but think there are other milestones to reach before they can really get started. That's just a form of procrastination. You can start TODAY!

4. Break your goal down into actionable steps. If you look at your goal as one huge task, it will seem too overwhelming. Instead, break it down into individual tasks that you need to accomplish in order to reach your goal so that you can save those tasks on your calendar.

5. Create a monthly budget. When it comes to managing your money, the best place to start is by creating a monthly budget. No, it won't be fun. But it will be on its way when you have more money to spare each month! And once you've created your budget, be sure to review it daily or at least once a week. These budget apps can help you stay on top of your budget.

6. Map out a five-year plan. Planning anything five years ahead may sound ridiculous. But mapping out your plan for the next five years is really helpful because it helps you set goals for your life right now!

7. Evaluate what isn't working. If you're not achieving your goals, there's a reason. Remember to constantly evaluate your progress so you can see what isn't working and change course before it's too late.

8. Learn to enjoy the moment. I am a person who spends a lot of time planning and thinking. From the moment I met my fiancé, he really helped me understand the importance of enjoying the present moment and helped teach me that. Now I really try to live in the moment of our time together rather than planning and stressing about the future.

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